Why Do I Avoid Programming Tutorials?

3 Reasons to Avoid Programming Tutorials.

Mosawer Mahboob
3 min readJan 22, 2023
Photo by Mr. Bochelly on Unsplash

As someone who has been interested in programming for a while now, I have come across a plethora of tutorials and online boot camps that promise to teach you how to code. However, I have found that these resources often fall short of their promises and have ultimately led me to avoid them altogether. In this post, I will outline the three main reasons why I don't learn programming from tutorials.

  1. The "Tutorial Hell" Problem
    One of the biggest issues with learning programming from tutorials is what’s called the “tutorial hell” problem. This refers to the feeling of being stuck in a never-ending cycle of going through tutorials without ever really understanding the material or being able to apply it to real-world problems. The problem with tutorials is that they often only provide a surface-level understanding of the concepts being taught, leaving you feeling lost and confused when you try to apply them to your own projects.
  2. Passive Learning
    Another issue with learning from tutorials is that it is a form of passive learning. When you go through a tutorial, you are simply following along and executing the steps provided to you. This is not an effective way to learn because it does not actively engage your brain and does not allow you to understand the material truly. In contrast, active learning, such as working on a project or solving problems, is a more effective way to learn because it forces you to think critically and apply what you have learned.
  3. Inexperienced Instructors
    Finally, many tutorials and online boot camps are taught by inexperienced individuals who are great content creators but not necessarily great programmers. They may not have the depth of knowledge or experience to truly understand the nuances of programming and be able to teach it to others effectively. This can lead to confusion and frustration for the learner, who may not get the most accurate or helpful information.

So, what is the ultimate way to learn programming? In my opinion, reading subject matter books and official documentation is the most effective way to gain a deep understanding of a programming language or technology. These resources are often written by experienced programmers and experts in the field, providing a comprehensive and in-depth look at the material. Furthermore, reading official documentation allows you to see real-world examples of how the technology is used, and it can help you understand how to apply it to your own projects.

In conclusion, while tutorials and online boot camps may seem like a convenient and easy way to learn programming, they often fall short of providing a comprehensive and effective learning experience. Instead, I prefer to focus on active learning and reading subject matter books and official documentation to gain a deeper understanding of the material.

